Grimsby’s Hollow

  It is summer, and in the shadow of the mountains the people of Grimsby’s Hollow are serenaded by cicadas and the sweet scents of timberwine and salted steaks burning over charcoal. These are the first days of harvest, when men laugh and their cups run over. A grand celebration is held on the west field, where the children laugh and play and boys give chase to girls. Ichabod Grimsby,[...]

Evelyn Grimsby on Growing Up

Sometimes when I get stuck with a story, or when I'm having a little trouble writing, I try to write bits and pieces of conversations to figure out who a character is and how they see the world. Evelyn's mother, Maeve, spent the first part of her life as a slave, and that experience colored who she was as a parent, and how she raised her daughter. This is another[...]

The Time Evelyn Grimsby Fell in Love

When I first started writing the Grimsby & Wulf stories, I had this idea to use footnotes to explain every little side reference or adventure, but it just didn't fit. This is one of the ones that didn't make it, destined instead for the dustbin.  Evelyn Grimsby fell in love only once, when she was twelve years old. It was a moonlit summer night, and fireflies were dancing in the[...]

Artists Wanted!

Artists Wanted!

I'm looking for artists who are interested in doing commission work on a long-term basis. Illustration-style artwork with a victorian \ steampunk vibe, lovecraftian nightmares, weird bug monsters, and all kinds of dark \ atmospheric artwork. If you're interested, please send your rates and a link to your portfolio to: [email protected]

Seeking Beta Readers

I'm looking for folks who are interested in becoming beta readers for the Grimsby & Wulf series. Parallel to our world there is another, where the stars are watchful and the Old Gods stir from their hungry sleep. Best described as a devil's blend of Mary Poppins and H.P. Lovecraft (with a healthy bit of Sherlock Holmes to boot), Evelyn Grimsby & Aloysius Wulf are a pair of quick-witted adventurers[...]