The City of Ostergrad

I'm still trying to rough out all of the major cities in the region my D&D group is currently campaigning in, but I think I'm getting better at making the cities look organic.

Ostergrad is a rich, sprawling city that bridges the northern half of the western reaches and the southern half, and is ruled over by Lord Oster Hasturmark, whose family died under tragic circumstances.  In the twisting alleys of the sprawl outside the city proper, people whisper hushed rumors that Lord Hasturmark has sold himself to strange, dark powers in his quest for vengeance against those who have wronged him.

The area Ostergrad is built in was once called Honeywick, and apocryphal tales tell of the creatures who lived there, queer insects who built strange spires that stretched into the sky and dripped with a golden syrup that could change those who drank it.

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