The City of Streissberg

The Iron City of Streissberg is built into the face of a mountainside, and the lights from the houses that populate its streets can be seen by distant sailors as a cascade of twinkling lights. The Street of Rust is named for the abandoned machines and contraptions that have been left to waste away in the salt air; the street of cinders for the light coat of ash that rests over its cobblestones.

The city is ruled by the foundry cults that made it famous; brilliant and mad engineers, chemists, and scientists, whose thirst for knowledge is matched only by their limitless paranoia.  The lusty red glow of Streissberg's foundries burn at all hours of the night, belching steam and smoke in great columns from The Chimney Yards, an unflinching reflection of the sleepless, half-mad engineers who vie for control of the city.

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